In Palatka, Florida, the vibrant sunshine pairs perfectly with an active game of pickleball. Our guide will show you why this charming city is an emerging hub for pickleball players of all ages and skill levels. From community parks to specialized facilities, you'll discover plenty of options to indulge in your favorite pastime.
1. Palatka High School
302 Mellon Rd, Palatka, FL, 32177, USA
Palatka, Florida
Indoor Courts: 0
Outdoor Courts: 16
Court Access Type: Free
Lines: Permanent
Net Status: Byo
2. John Theobold Sports Complex
120 Carter Rd, Palatka, FL, 32177, USA
Palatka, Florida
Indoor Courts: 0
Outdoor Courts: 6
Court Access Type: Free
Lines: Permanent
Net Status: Byo
3. Grace Fellowship Church
2400 St Johns Ave, Palatka, FL, 32177, USA
Palatka, Florida
Indoor Courts: 3
Outdoor Courts: 0
Court Access Type: Free
Lines: Permanent
Net Status: Byo
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